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This service provides access via the Px-Web Tool to statistical data on the affiliated persons registered as employed and contributing companies in the Social Security System.
ConsultarThrough this service you can obtain, print and/or consult online a report on the failure to register as an employer in the Social Security system.
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
Using this service you may request the allocation of a contribution account code (CCC) or a secondary contribution account.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can notify the deregistration of a worker.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service enables users to terminate the relationship with Social Security of a protected subject included in the Special Scheme for self-employed workers.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Using this service you can ask to increase or change your contribution basis.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can register or modify information regarding mobile and land line telephone numbers and email.
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
Both initial and secondary contribution account codes can be requested through this service.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as an entity
Through this service you can request the identification of the company and communicate the persons linked to it, as well as the creation of the initial contribution account code.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as an entity
This service can be used to request the modification of company data. Registrations of new related persons can also be communicated as well as deleting or modifying data of related persons.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as an entity
Through this service you can report new activities in the Special Regime for self-employed workers or freelancers.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can report the termination of any of your activities as a self-employed worker or a freelancer.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you will be able to cancel a registration or reregistration that you had scheduled.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service, the extension of the flat rate benefit is requested.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you will be able to update the working conditions related to the person working in the household. You can change the hours, salary, etc.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service allows you to correct the activity previously noted incorrectly on the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (RETA) registration form, and also amend it later.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service enables you to modify the Status of a self-employed worker (such as owner, informal associate, collaborating partner, etc.) entered in error during registration, and also subsequent modification, in the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (RETA).
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service allows you to amend Temporary Disability, Work-Related Injury/Occupational Disease, Cessation of Activity and Mutual Society coverage details for the coming year.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can request the registration of the person who will work at your home. If you are a worker, you can request your registration as long as you agree with the employer and work less than 60 hours a month.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can request registration in the Special Scheme for self-employed or self-employed workers within the Social Security system.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service you can waive the flat rate benefit.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service allows you to use the Electronic register to attach supporting documents for your registration in order to prove your compliance with the requirements for receiving certain benefits.
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
This service allows you to request the issuing, by Electronic register, of the bullfighting event certificate, necessary for the celebration of the show, attaching the required documentation. It also allows for the presentation of any substitutions that may occur in the bullfighting professionals participating in the event.
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
This service allows the application for Variation of data, Resumption or Suspension of the special ERE agreement, by electronic registration, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040-ERE).
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
This service makes it possible to request, by electronic registration, Variation of data, Resumption, Suspension or Extension of the special agreement, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040).
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Via this service the company or worker, employed or self-employed, can complete, through electronic registration, the electronic form (in place of the TA 300 form) necessary for temporary relocation in order to carry out their activities in one or more countries in which there exists an international Social Security standard (Community Regulations and Social Security Conventions).
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
This service allows you to request, by electronic registration, registration or a situation assimilated to inscription in the corresponding scheme, through the subscription of a special agreement with the Social Security, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040).
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person
Through this service, the company and, failing that, the worker may request the signing of a ERE special agreement y the company by electronic registration, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces the TA.0040-ERE model). In addition, through this service, both the company and the worker may request the application of the voluntary increase in the contribution basis of the ERE special agreement signed (Additional Clause payable by the company or the worker).
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
This service allows the company to request cancellation of the ERE special agreement subscribed by the company, via the electronic Register, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040-ERE). This service also allows the worker to request cancellation of the ERE special agreement signed by them, via the Electronic Register, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040-ERE), provided that the collective redundancy procedure has been approved after 9 April 2019. In addition, through this service, both the company and the worker may request the waiver of the voluntary increase in the contribution basis of the ERE special agreement signed (Additional Clause to be paid by the company or the worker).
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
This service allows you to request, via the Electronic Register, the cancellation of your membership in the special agreement signed with the Social Security General Treasury, for one of the reasons described in the regulations, by filling in the electronic form (which replaces form TA.0040).
Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person