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Suggestions and Complaints < Go back

The suggestions and complaints forms are used to gather suggestions on how to improve service quality and also to enable citizens to express their dissatisfaction with the services provided by the Social Security Administration.

About this procedure

The basic regulations governing the forms for complaints and suggestions are contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and in Organic Law 3/2018 of 5  December on the Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights).

Who it is for

For all citizens.

What you can do

If accessing the service with a digital certificate (physical individual/ legal person or entity)

  • Submit a Complaint or Suggestion online

For in-person submission or by post

  • In person, at all the Social Security Offices and Support Centres open to the public, as well as the general registries and auxiliary offices for receiving or sending documents from the Central Services, Provincial Directorates and other regional departments of the different Social Security Bodies and Organisations. The availability of these forms will be clearly and visibly advertised and they will be kept in an accessible location to ensure citizens are able to find them and use them.
  • By post, clearly indicating your full name and address, so you can be sent the corresponding copy and reply.

What you need to do it

  • Fill in the form.
  • To submit it in person, you can get as many blank copies as you need to be filled in by hand, or enter the necessary details and instantly get as many copies as you want (it is recommended that you get 4 copies so one can be stamped in the submission office).

Please note

  • Under no circumstances will the complaints made be classed as appeals to the ordinary courts or stall the time periods set out in the applicable legislation.
  • Submitting a complaint does not determine, in any way, the exercising of other actions or rights that, in accordance the regulations of each procedure, the interested parties included in the procedure may exercise.

Next steps

  • Once the form has been received, the Relevant Unit will send a response to the citizen within 20 working days. This time period may be suspended in the event that the interested party is required to provide, within a period of 10 working days, any clarifications needed to correctly process the suggestion or complaint.
  • If the interested party does not receive a response by the deadline, they can contact the General Inspection of Services Unit of the Organisation where they sent their suggestion or complaint in order to find out the reason they have not received a reply and so the Inspection unit can ensure the competent bodies take appropriate action.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity

Attached documentation
Attached documentation
document name Publication date
Complaint and Suggestion Form (PDF, 76 Kb) 15/09/2020
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