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It is recommended that all users update the AutoSignature application to version 1.8 compatible with your Operating System. You can find out more details about how to sign in the Signing with AutoSignature section. The process will be improved as of October and if you have AutoSignature 1.7 installed, you will not be able to use it in the procedures that require it.

NON-Standardised Signature Type 1

Note 1: This type of signature is not currently supported in the new version of Java 9.xx

Note 2: At the moment, this type of signature is not compatible with Firefox version 56 or higher  on 64-bit operating systems.

Compatibility table

Non-Standardised Signature Type 1 compatibility table

In the attached documentation you can download the Non-standardised signature type 1 manual.

NON-standardised signature type 2

Compatibility table

Non-Standardised Signature Type 2 compatibility table

Depending on the type of browser:

  • For Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox:
    You must first install the application: CryptoBrowser. Below is the link for  download and the installation manual.
  • For Internet Explorer or Safari:
    The signature will follow the Non-standardised Type 1 system described above. Check the configuration requirements for this type of signature.

Cl@ve Signature

Note: This type of signature does not require any technical requirements.

Compatibility table

Cl@ve Signature compatibility table

Social Security is committed to an application development standardisation process. This means that various electronic signature systems are currently in use:

  • Already standardised applications, such as the one based on the Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) or based on the cloud signature type belonging to the Permanent Cl@ve system.
  • Applications not yet standardised, which maintain the Java applet based signature system or which use signature extensions for browsers such as CryptoBrowser.

Check the following document to find out which type of signature each service uses.

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