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This service allows the TGSS to transfer certain data needed by other Public Administration Departments and Bodies to perform their duties, subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December (BOE 14/12) and Law 40/2015 of 1 October, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector; the request must be made via a form to be filled in on screen and the response received in a pdf file.
El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como persona física
This service allows you to submit, via the Electronic Register, the application to authorise a Public Administration of Body and/or the application for registration, deregistration of users and changes to the data of a Public Administration or Body in the Data Transfer services for Public Administrations that are the responsibility of the Social Security General Treasury (TGSS).
El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como entidad
This service allows you to query the status of the files transmitted within the framework of the exchange of files between other Public Administrations and Bodies and the TGSS or the INSS, subject to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December (BOE 14/12) and Law 40/2015 of 1 October on the Public Sector Legal Regime.
El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como persona física
This service allows for the receipt of the files requested by the Public Administrations and Bodies from the central services of the Social Security.
El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como persona física
This service allows other Public Administrations and Bodies to request information from the TGSS or the INSS, by the aforementioned Public Administrations and Bodies sending files to the central services of the Social Security.
El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como persona física