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Application for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and Provisional Replacement Certificate (CPS) (Your Social Security) < Go back

You can use this free service to apply for and renew the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You can also obtain the Provisional Replacement Certificate of the European Health Insurance Card (CPS),for the party entitled to medical assistance and their beneficiaries.

About this procedure

Who it is for

Those entitled to medical assistance and their dependent beneficiaries who meet the requirements of Spanish law and EU Social Security Regulations.

What you can do

  • You can request or renew the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for the holder entitled to healthcare and for their beneficiaries.
  • You can also check if you hold a valid EHIC.
  • Obtain the Provisional Replacement Certificate of the European Health Insurance Card  (CPS),for the party entitled to medical assistance and their beneficiaries.
  • Print the provisional replacement certificate for the European Health Insurance Card at home.

What you need to do it 

  • To obtain the Provisional Replacement Certificate, a more secure level of identification is required than to obtain the European Health Card. If you wish to apply for the Provisional Replacement Certificate, when you click on the application link, the system will warn you of this need. Click CONTINUE and we will provide you with the identification options available to complete this application.
  • If you access as a representative, you must ask the represented party to confirm the representation by accessing the link that they will receive on their mobile by SMS.
  • If you access with power of attorney, you must  be registered in the Electronic Register of Powers of Attorney
  • If you do not obtain the EHIC or for  other cases,  you can obtain the Provisional Replacement Certificate for the European Health Insurance Card. To do so,  go to European Health Insurance Card application, and click on: Download Provisional Replacement Certificate and provide the validity period of the certificate (maximum 90 days). Ensure you have the software required to download/print the certificate (PDF file). However, if you are not issued the EHIC by this means, keep in mind that if the reason for travelling to another State is to study in official European Union programmes  or in educational centres to obtain an official public qualification,  you can access the EHIC by providing documentation accrediting the studies to be carried out. Request an appointment for more information by calling 901 10 65 70 / 91 541 25 30.

Please note

  • European Health Insurance Card:

Countries where the EHIC is valid: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom and Switzerland

The EHIC is not valid when the purpose of travel is to receive medical treatment. In such a case, the National Social Security Institute (INSS) or the Social Marine Institute (ISM) must issue the corresponding form, having first received an affirmative report from the Health Service.

More information on "Scheduled medical treatment".

In certain cases, you will have to pay a fixed amount or percentage of healthcare expenses, in line with the conditions applicable to residents in the State to which you are travelling. These amounts are not reimbursable.

For more information please visit:

The EHIC is valid from the date of receipt until the expiry date indicated on the card. Use of the EHIC during the validity period is dependent on the holder continuing to meet the requirements that resulted in the certificate being issued. Otherwise, expenses incurred may be recovered as undue benefits, in accordance with the provisions of article 76 of Regulation (EC) 883/04.

Information note for printing

  • Provisional Replacement Certificate:

Countries where the CPS is valid: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, United Kingdom and Switzerland

The CPS is the personal and non-transferable document that proves an individual's right to receive any healthcare that may be required, from a medical point of view, during a temporary stay in the indicated States, taking into account the nature of the healthcare services and length of the stay, in accordance with the legislation of the country that the individual is visiting, regardless of whether the visit is for tourism, professional or educational reasons.

The CPS is not valid when the purpose of the trip is to receive medical treatment, in which case it is necessary for the National Social Security Institute (INSS), or the Social Marine Institute (ISM), to issue the corresponding form after receiving a favourable report from the Health Service. Neither will it be valid if you change your residence to the territory of a different member State.

 The CPS offers the same coverage as the EHIC. In certain cases, you will have to pay a fixed amount or percentage of healthcare expenses, in line with the conditions applicable to residents in the State to which you are travelling. These amounts are not reimbursable.

For more information please visit

The CPS is valid for the period indicated on the document (it is issued for a maximum of 90 days from the start date) and its use, during the valid period, is subject to the holder continuing to meet the requirements for entitlement to said document. Otherwise, expenses incurred may be recovered as undue benefits, in accordance with Article 76 of Regulation (EC) 883/04.

Information note for printing

Next steps

  • The European Health Insurance Card will be sent in a period of no more than 5 days to the address you have indicated:
  • The Provisional Replacement Certificate is a .pdf file, from which printed copies can be obtained that contain the CEA code (Electronic Authentication Code) with which you can check its authenticity by going to the Documentation Integrity Verification Service.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity

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