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Changing bank details (of the pensioner) < Go back


We inform you that the notification of the change of bank account for the payment of the Social Security benefit is carried out, on your behalf, by your financial institution collaborating in the management of the Social Security. More information on the service. You can consult the collaborating financial institutions here.

However, if you wish to do it yourself, you can do it through this service.

Through this service you can request the change of bank details for receiving the pension.

About this procedure

Who it is for

Individuals who have been granted a benefit from Social Security.

What you can do

Request  the modification of the bank account for the payment of the pension.

What you need to do it

  • Select the benefit for which you wish to change the bank account and click on the "Manage" button.

Please note

  • If you access as a representative, you must ask the represented party to communicate the code that will be received by SMS on their mobile phone to confirm the representation and attach the standardised representation document at the end of the service.
  • If you access with power of attorney, you must  be registered in the Electronic Register of Powers of Attorney

Next steps

Once the process has been completed, you will receive an "proof of receipt" in PDF format and the change will be effective in a few days.

If you do not receive the confirmation message, or if you receive an error or failed sending message, you should resubmit the application at another time or use other channels.


Additional information on the Single European Digital Gateway
Access the assessment platform

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

Attached documentation
Attached documentation
document name Publication date
Standard representation form (PDF, 2387 Kb) 29/03/2022
Complementary Content