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Healthcare. Consultation of entitlement and Registration of beneficiaries < Go back

This service allows you to check, in your own name, as a representative or power of attorney, entitlement to health care. It also allows you to apply for the inclusion of beneficiaries.

About this procedure

Who it is for

To persons who want to check if they have the right to public medical assistance and for persons who have a recognised right to healthcare as a holder and who need to include another person who is not entitled to medical assistance as their beneficiary.

What you can do

  • Check whether you are entitled to health care and obtain the document proving your entitlement.

  • Registering of beneficiaries:

    If the beneficiary is a child under three months of age, the right to healthcare will be automatically recognised and the accreditation of this right will be available to downloaded.

    If the beneficiary is not a child under the age of 3 months, an application will be generated to the corresponding Provincial Directorate to carry out the necessary validations and process the inclusion. You can download the receipt for the application.

What you need to do it

  • If you log in on your own behalf, you will be taken to Your Social Security and you will need to scroll down to the Medical Assistance section.
  • If you access as a representative, you must ask the represented party to confirm the representation by accessing the link that you will receive on your mobile by SMS and attach the standard document of representation at the end of the service. Once identified, you will be sent to the Your Social Security beneficiary consultation section.
  • If you log in as a proxy, you must be registered in the Electronic Register of Proxies and you will be taken to Your Social Security and you must scroll down to the Medical Assistance section.

Please note

When registering a beneficiary:

  • In the case of a child under 3 months of age, entitlement is automatic and immediate. Once the process is completed you may obtain accreditation of your beneficiary's entitlement.
  • Otherwise, an application will be issued to be processed in the Provincial Directorate of the province where the applicant has their primary address registered in affiliation. Once the process is completed, a supporting receipt will be issued for the request made.

Next steps

If you do not receive the confirmation message, or if you receive an error or failed sending message, you should resubmit the application at another time or use other channels.
The INSS will send the resolution of the application to the address of the interested party.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

El acceso a este servicio estará habilitado únicamente cuando se identifique como persona física o entidad

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