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Report of contributions entered by ordinary post < Go back

Through this service you can obtain a report that includes the contribution basis and the Social Security payments made from 1999 in Special Schemes and Systems, which will be sent to you by ordinary post.

About this procedure

Who it is aimed at

Workers in Schemes and/or Special Systems where workers are considered as subjects responsible for fee payments.

What does it allow you to do

You can fill out an application form so that the report will be sent by post to the address that appears in the Social Security database. 

To be taken into account

Data entered on the form must match those included in the database of the Social Security Treasury General. If they do not match, the report will not be sent.

Report content:

  • Personal data: Social Security number and identification document (NIF, passport, NIE) of the worker.
  • Liquidation period: month and year to which the contribution bases and payments correspond.
  • Social Security Scheme to which the contribution bases and payments correspond:
    • Social Security Special Scheme for self-employed workers, which includes the Special System for self-employed agricultural workers.
    • Special Agricultural Scheme for self-employed workers (up to 31 December 2007) and for employed workers for non-working periods or periods of inclusion in the agricultural census (up to 31 December 2011).
    • Workers included in the Special System for employed agricultural workers of the General Social Security Scheme, from 1 January 2012, for non-working periods.
    • Special Scheme for Sea Workers for self-employed workers.
    • Special Scheme for domestic employees, up to 30 June 2012. As of 1 January 2012 General Scheme Special System for domestic employees.
    • The contribution bases and payments made under any Scheme for signatories of special agreements are included.
  • Contribution basis for which there has been a contribution for each payment period.
  • Quotas paid made for each payment period.
  • Surcharge and/or interest paid for each payment period, if applicable.

Next steps

  • Once the form is completed, a reference number will be issued to check the request status.
  • Information on the request's status will be received via email.
  • 24 hours after receiving the information via email, you can access the service Consult report request status.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

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