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Prior Appointment for Embarkation at Sea Medical Examination No certificate < Go back

This service allows you to request a prior appointment to carry out the Embarkation at Sea Medical Examination, without the need for an electronic certificate.

About this procedure

Who it is for

Spanish citizens or citizens of other nationalities who want to carry out professional activity on board a Spanish-registered ship and who meet the legal requirements to work and be enrolled on the ships.

What you can do

Request Analysis, Nursing and Medical prior appointment.

What you need to do it

It will be necessary to have a Basic Safety Training Certificate from a course given by the Social Marine Institute when a medical examination is requested for the first time , or to have previously completed a Embarkation at Sea Medical Examination.

The service will show you an intermediate screen to enter personal data. You will be asked to complete it with the following data: Type of identification document, Number of document (NIF, NIE or Passport), Date of Birth, First Name, First Surname and Second Surname.

All of the data is mandatory and must match the data stored in the system in order for you to successfully log in.

Please note

The service allows you to request the three appointments required by the for the Embarkation at Sea Medical Examination (analytical, nursing and medical), which will be effective from the moment the application is made.

Next steps

  • Go to the Maritime Health Centre for which you have made the appointment on the date and at the time indicated.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

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