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Inclusion/exclusion/reincorporation in the Special Agricultural System. Inactivity < Go back

This service allows you to request inclusion, exclusion or reincorporation in the Special Agricultural System during a situation of inactivity and to obtain the corresponding resolution.

About this procedure

Who it is aimed at

Agricultural workers in periods of inactivity.

What does it allow you to do

  • Inclusion, exclusion or reincorporation in the Special Agricultural System by workers
  • Granting of the resolution
  • Printing

To be taken into account

Inclusion application:

  • This must be requested within three months following the completion of the last real work day, having worked a minimum of 30 real days in the last 365 days.
  • It will come into effect on the first day of the month following the submission of the application.

Reincorporation application:

  • It is necessary to have worked 30 real days in the previous 365 days and be up-to-date on contribution payments for periods of inactivity.
  • If the reincorporation is a result of ending another activity or a situation assimilated to inscription, the submission deadline is three months after said date.

If the exclusion/reincorporation is a result of a decision made by the worker, the effects always start from the first day of the month following that in which the application was submitted.


To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

Access to this service will only be enabled when you identify yourself as a natural person

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