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This service, aimed at people who have received a decision from the INSS declaring the termination of temporary disability due to medical discharge once the 365-day period has expired, allows them to express their disagreement within a maximum period of 4 calendar days following receipt of the decision.
To persons who have received the INSS decision declaring the termination of temporary disability due to medical discharge established in article 170.2 of the TRLGSS, once the 365-day duration period has expired.
Express disagreement with the medical discharge certificate issued by the INSS.
Once the process has been completed, you will receive a “proof of receipt” in PDF format.
To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.
Access to this service will be enabled only when you identify yourself as a natural person or entity
document name | Publication date |
Manifestación de disconformidad con el alta médica emitida por el Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (PDF, 2540 Kb) | 12/09/2022 |
Standard representation form (PDF, 2387 Kb) | 29/03/2022 |