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State retirement < Go back

This service makes it possible to apply for the national retirement pension in one's own name, by proxy or by means of a proxy registered in the electronic register of proxies.

About this procedure

Who it is for

To persons who wish to apply for the national retirement pension, in their own name, by representation or by proxy registered in the electronic register of proxies.

What you can do

  • Fill in the state retirement pension application.
  • Attach documentation.

What you need to do it

  • Include the applicable information.
  • Attach the documents indicated.

Please note

After filling in the form, the application will tell you which documents to submit and give you the  option of uploading them.

Next steps

Once the process has been completed, you will receive a “proof of receipt” in PDF format.

If you do not receive the confirmation message, or if you receive an error or failed sending message, you should  resubmit the application at another time or use other means.

The INSS will send the resolution of the application to the address of the interested party.

You can check the status of your benefit application using the “Your Procedures” section of the personal portal “Your Social Security”, which can be accessed from the portal itself or the e-Office.


Additional information on the Single European Digital Gateway
Access the assessment platform

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

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