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Certificate of IRPF withholdings and payments < Go back

Through this service you can obtain a certificate detailing the amount of Social Security benefits received, paid by the INSS and the ISM, and the withholdings made for Income Tax (IRPF), over the previous year.

About this procedure

Who it is aimed at

For individuals who have received economic benefits from Social Security during the previous tax year.

What does it allow you to do

  • Obtain certificate of IRPF withholdings and payments from the last 5 years. 

What you need to do it

  • Once identified, you can obtain the certificate by clicking on the link "Certificate of IRPF withholdings and payments"
  • Select the year for which you need the certificate.
  • Ensure you have the software required to download/print the certificate (PDF file).
  • If you access as a representative, you must ask the represented party to confirm the representation by accessing the link that they will receive on their mobile by SMS.
  • If you access as a power of attorney, you must be registered in the Electronic Register of Powers of Attorney.

To be taken into account

It is not necessary to provide any additional documents for processing.

Next steps

The certificate obtained is a .pdf file, of which printed copies can be obtained and which contains the CEA code (Electronic Authentication Code) with which you can check its authenticity by going to the Documentation Integrity Verification Service.


Additional information on the EU Single Digital Gateway
Access the assessment platform

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

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