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National Death and survival < Go back

You can use this service to request state benefits for a widow/widower's pension, orphanhood pension and death grants.

About this procedure

Who it is aimed at

Persons who wish to apply for one or more national death and survival benefits for widow(er), orphan(s) or death grants in their own name, either by proxy or through a proxy registered in the electronic register of proxies.

What does it allow you to do

  • Submit an application form for one or more state death and survival benefits (widow/widower's pension, orphanhood pension or a death grant).
  • Attach documentation.

What you need to do it

  • Include the information requested to submit the application.
  • Attach the documents indicated.

To be taken into account

After filling in the form, you will be told which documents are to be submitted and given the option of uploading them.

  • If you access as a representative, you must ask the represented party to confirm the representation by accessing the link that they will receive on their mobile by SMS.
  • If you access as a power of attorney, you must be registered in the Electronic Register of Powers of Attorney.

Next steps

You will receive an "acknowledgement of receipt" in PDF format once you have completed the procedure.

If you do not receive the confirmation message, or if you receive an error or failed sending message, you should  resubmit the application at another time or use other means.

The INSS will send the resolution of the application to the address of the interested party.

You can check the status of your benefit application using the “Your Procedures” section of the personal portal “Your Social Security”, which can be accessed from the portal itself or the e-Office.

To access this service check you have the necessary technical requirements.

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